‘Processing’ will show up on the LCD for around 2 minutes. Open and execute ‘BurnFW.exe’ and click start. This folder will also contain the firmware folder and should have NA in the folder name. Open the folder that contained the Driver files. Hiti Photo Printer 631Ps Driver Windows 10 Hi-Ti 630PL/630PS/631PL/631PS/630ID Printer Driver Download Make sure USB is connect to PC and that the printer is ON. Operating system Windows XP 32-bit / 9x / 2000.hiti photo printer 630pl driver download.hiti photo printer 631ps driver download.Print Speed while still very respectable is not the fastest hiti photo printer 631ps the range with a 6 4 print taking hiti photo printer 631ps 2 mins hiti photo printer 631ps seconds to print. Download latest news and other trusted sources. Hiti Photo Printer 63xpl Ps Driver for Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 10, 8, XP.Use Devices and Printers to run Windows Update and obtain the latest drivers and updates. HiTi Paper 4×6 Photo Paper Pack (50) F/640PS/630PS/631PS Otherwise use the Photo command to select what hiti 630ps want. HITI 640 PS PRINTER DRIVER FOR MAC DOWNLOAD - The space-age design has been updated from the air-conditioner look of the PS to a gun-metal blue with a huggably curvey design that's just 6mm wider. Hiti 630ps also a separate program available on the Web site called Adjustor to adjust printing parameters and hiti 630ps the modifications as a driver default.